HTMLGiant asks if New York for writers is The Place to Be, or whether it’s just too damn expensive.
- Should bookstores shelve by publisher rather than author? (Thanks, The Rumpus)
- How East of Eden became a performance piece.
- A surprisingly interesting picture essay of the last 10 years of Nobel Prize winners in literature.
- Shakespeare’s endless Answers: Why it’s smart to be a Shakespearean fool.
- Books as art. Very cool.
Obama as Peacemaker
- Besides “top conservative media personalities and Republican National Committee Chairman Micheal Steele,” the Right has been surprisingly silent since Obama’s Nobel win. (Politico)
- For his noble words, Obama deserves the prize. (LA Times)
- A Prize That’s Also For Us. (Boston Globe)
- Obama’s Obligation to Afghanistan.(WSJ)
- The Boss does the entire Born in the USA album live
- A new book on How Cooking Made Us Human
- The Smart Set’s Stefany Anne Golbert writes about Gourmet Magazine’s life after death, and why “the revolution is still going strong.”
- The Morning News will help you detect–and rid–your town (or shop or cafe) of its Hipster infestation. (Thanks, The Millions)
- Princeton closed computer labs, Harvard is cutting cookies and eggs.
- Cornfields! In Boerum Hill!