I grew up about fifteen minutes away from Ray Bradbury’s hometown of Waukegan, Illinois. He’s one of those writers I associate with the period in my life when I really started to love books. Obviously there’s Fahrenheit 451, which I read and loved during that time, but the first Bradbury book I’m always going to think of is his semi-autobiographical Dandelion Wine. The teacher who gave me a copy of the book was one of the great influences on my life, and she told me that even though she respected Bradbury as a great science fiction writer, Dandelion Wine was her favorite book by him. I promised I’d read it right away, but for some reason or another it took me close to a decade to get to the book, but somehow the same copy the teacher gave me survived countless moves to new apartments and sits right above my desk to this day.
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Fahrenheit 451,great book and movie.
RIP RBHe will live on,through his writings.
I read this book in my senior year at high school in mid-summer. I remember looking out at the the huge oak trees and the green lawns – complete with dandelions – from my seat by the window while reading it. The book was magical then and I think it changed me in some way – at least it had a profound effect on me to this day and the magic is still there. Thanks Ray.