This excites me.
Dear readers,
Gigantic #2, the America issue, is coming out next month! We promise it will have more screams than a bald eagle, be more stunning than purple mountains majesty and taste almost as fresh as mom’s apple pie. Some of the literary legends whose names will be engraved on the steep cliff of its pages include Sam Lipsyte, Lydia Millet, Clancy Martin, Margo Jefferson, Ken Sparling, Deb Olin Unferth and Adrian Tomine.
In anticipation of issue 2, Uncle Gigantic wants YOU! to send us your biographies of famous Americans. These can be as short as you want, as true as you want and in whatever style or form you want. The only requirement it is that the subject is American and your patriotic words total no more than 300. That’s 300 words maximum, good citizen. Please send them to Giganticmag at with the words “American Bio” in the subject line. We will read them from now until March 1st and post our favorites online with accompanying art.
The Editors