In our afternoon reading: new writing by Lucy Sante and Adrian Nathan West, thoughts on Ali Smith’s new novel, and more.
A Dog’s Life, A Dog’s Book: On George Pelecanos’s “Buster: A Dog”
George Pelecanos is a polymath who understands the Washington D.C. – area more than most authors. He was born in Washington D.C., he currently lives in Silver Springs, and he has fictionalized life in the beltway through scores of crime novels and story collections. Pelecanos’s creations are stark, also witnessed through his work as a TV writer and producer. His credits in this space include The Wire, about illegal drug trade and institutional corruption, The Deuce, about New York’s sex trade in the 1970s, and We Own This City, about police corruption.
Books of the Month: May 2024
It’s a few days into a new month, and you can probably tell what’s next: we have some May books we’d like to recommend. Stylistically, they cover a lot of terrain; you’ll find everything from experimental short fiction to haunting meditations of contemporary politics here. Read on for some suggestions for the weeks to come.
Weekend Bites: Megan Stielstra Interviewed, Erika T. Wurth, Jeff VanderMeer Excerpted, Emily Schultz, and More
In our weekend reading: interviews with Megan Stielstra and Erika T. Wurth, Natalie Eilbert on Charif Shanahan’s new book, and more.
On Shop Novels, Past and Present
Consider the campus novel. It’s a genre within literary fiction capable of encompassing works as thematically and stylistically diverse as Donna Tartt’s The Secret History, Ishmael Reed’s Japanese by Spring, and Kingsley Amis’s Lucky Jim. As disparate as these novels are, however, one can find certain structures in common. Though no two colleges or universities are the same, the basic structures of most are similar enough that a hierarchy of characters can be easily established. (The same could be said […]
Afternoon Bites: Patti Smith & Jessica Hopper, George Pelecanos’s Culture Diary, Miles Klee on “Cotton Eyed Joe,” and More
Jessica Hopper talks with Patti Smith about her new album Banga at The Daily. The awesome Tobi Vail interviews the equally awesome Grass Widow. At Sound of the City, Miles Klee on “Cotton Eyed Joe.” Vulture has the skinny on what George Pelecanos’s week in culture has been like. Ted Sanders is interviewed over at Hobart. Book Riot presents The Loner’s Guide to Book Expo America. Follow Vol. 1 Brooklyn on Twitter, Facebook, Google + and our Tumblr.
Bites: Howard Zinn, Tobi Vail on George Pelecanos, Shakespeare’s Pad, Alicia Jo Rabins and David Bazan on Faith and Art, and More
Over at The Millions, Jesse Ball reviews a year of reading, and makes us want to go buy the book pictured above. Howard Zinn’s Voices of a People’s History (Seven Stories Press) “collects the works of outsiders, rebels, and disenfranchised Americans“. Over at the Bumpidee Reader, Tobi Vail reviews The Way Home, by George Pelecanos. “We are hoping to find organic debris that will teach us what the great man had for dinner.” Says Richard Kemp, of the Shakespeare Birthplace […]