In our morning reading: thoughts on Mauro Javier Cárdenas’s new novel, an interview with Chris Knapp, and more.
Morning Bites: Interviewing Ellen van Neerven, Leif Enger’s Latest, Peter Milligan’s Comics, and More
In our morning reading: interviews with Ellen van Neerven and Anna Dorn, a literary controversy in Denver, and more.
Books of the Month: May 2024
It’s a few days into a new month, and you can probably tell what’s next: we have some May books we’d like to recommend. Stylistically, they cover a lot of terrain; you’ll find everything from experimental short fiction to haunting meditations of contemporary politics here. Read on for some suggestions for the weeks to come.
Weekend Bites: Mauro Javier Cárdenas’s Latest, Evan Narcisse on Storytelling, Paul Auster’s Bibliography, and More
In our weekend reading: exploring the new novel by Mauro Javier Cárdenas, revisiting Paul Auster’s bibliography, and more.
Morning Bites: Mauro Javier Cárdena Excerpted, Ben Tanzer’s Playlist, Àngel Bonomini’s Fiction, and More
In our morning reading: an excerpt from “American Abductions,” a playlist from Ben Tanzer, and more.
Morning Bites: Eskor David Johnson’s Debut, Claudia Hernandez Interviewed, Sam J. Miller on Horror, and More
In our morning reading: a reading by David Eskor Johnson, Sam J. Miller talks horror, and more.
Afternoon Bites: Chang-Rae Lee’s Latest, Mattilda Bernstein Sycamore Interviewed, Mauro Javier Cárdenas on “Aphasia,” and More
In our afternoon reading: thoughts on Chang-Rae Lee’s new novel, an interview with Mauro Javier Cárdenas, and more.
Afternoon Bites: Mauro Javier Cárdenas Interviewed, Torrey Peters, Charles Yu Fiction, Iceage, and More
In our afternoon reading: an interview with Mauro Javier Cárdenas, fiction by Charles Yu, and more.