On Apathy

By Kelly Ginger Saturday came and I spent a good portion of it not getting out of bed.  I find myself more often tired than awake.  Told a friend I’d go to her event at 4.  Didn’t make it.  Told another I’d see him at 7.  I canceled.  Then I told him maybe, or I would see what I could do.  I ended up going. All a matter of process. Once in Manhattan, I waited for him to get off […]

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Reviewed: Stacy Szymaszek’s Hyperglossia

“A cyborg world might be about lived social and bodily realities in which people are not afraid of their joint kinship with animals and machines, not afraid of permanently partial identities and contradictory standpoints.” – Donna Haraway Honestly, I haven’t read Haraway’s entire essay. Just the first half. And my memory is such that I don’t remember if she tells us how we do this, the not being afraid of “joint kinship.” Removing the binary can be a scary thing. […]

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Conversation: High Places

By Kelly Ginger Constantly on tour, it might seem like High Places no longer has a home base – but don’t be fooled. They’ve recently broke free from Brooklyn and have settled nicely into their new West Coast home in Los Angeles. Yet, I don’t think it is necessarily place that defines this band, and they wouldn’t want it to. That would be too stationary, and if one were to define this band it might be by movement, or change. […]

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